Wouldn’t it be just plain fun to relax with your wife or a grandchild and scroll through 16,000 ideas for furniture designs, kid’s crafts, toys, outdoor projects and other great stuff? (Well maybe not all 16,000 at one sitting, but you get the idea Top bearing flush trim router bit Router Bit B0CKYCZMKH.)
As you are scrolling along you just happen to notice that HEY LOOK Ted even includes detailed blue prints, three dimensional views, and a list of every needed item of material for each project complete with every possible dimension so you know exactly what and where to cut.
Well wait a minute now………What kind of cutting tools do I need?
Not to worry, Ted even lists every tool you will need to successfully complete each project. So now your confidence is building as you also see:
Step-By-Step Instructions
Cutting & Materials Lists
Detailed Schematics
Views From All Angles
And as your wife ever so helpfully points out, “Look Honey if you ever get stuck and need some advice, other than mine of course, Ted’s staff is readily available to help. Isn’t that just so sweet of them?” She demurs.
Now this IS FUN and you can hardly wait to get started on a project……but which one?
Choosing the Right Project:
After all there are 16,000 projects to choose from with step-by-step blueprints so you can build beautiful, professionally appearing woodworking projects.
With all the confidence of “Mighty Casey at The Bat” you announce, “Its decision time……which project do we do first?”
Your Granddaughter likes the doll house; it’s almost Christmas you know. I can make little furniture and decorate the rooms!